Friday, April 24, 2015

Cardboard Sculpture

Cardboard is a tool that is extremely underestimated. Just using cardboard and glue someone can create an amazing piece of art. Mix things up and used cardboard of different sized and thickness and see what you can come up with. Everyone can find cardboard lying around and take something that is boring and turn it into something amazing. 

This was one of the most difficult project that I have done. When I first started this project I had a difficult time coming up with an idea for my sculpture. I decided that I was going to cut out triangles in a variety of sizes. I then painted them with black paint and used a plastic grocery bag that was scrunched up to stamp the colors onto the triangles. Then I started to glue. I didn't really have an idea of what I was trying to accomplish, but the art project all came together as one and I was able to create an interesting sculpture. 

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