Thursday, February 12, 2015

Water Color Emotions

This is such a fun project for kids to do. The purpose of the project is to either have your students pick six emotions and use colors and different materials (salt, alcohol, plastic wrap) to help visualize them with water colors.You can also bring different foods and have the students paint how they felt or experienced while they ate them.

This was a really fun project to do, but the first time that I did this project, my paint bled through the tape that I used to make the blocks. It did  this because I failed to run my fingers along the edges of the tape. The second time that I did this project this was my final result. Nice clean lines and six perfect squares that represent my emotions.

The emotions that I chose for this project was calm, love, sad, angry, compassion, and surprised. I used different materials such as salt, acetone, and plastic wrap to create the many textures that are present. I really liked this project and to see what I could create and to see the how the different materials reacted to create such beautiful pieces of art work.

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