Thursday, April 23, 2015

Georgia O'Keefe

Georgia was a 20th century artist who is famous for her flower canvas work and landscape art work. Her use of color, using different colors and shades, also helped with the realism. She also used a lot of textures and value to help enhance her artwork to create a realistic look. 

For this project we were to create a Georgia O'Keefe inspired water colored painting. For this project we used a view finder that was made from a index card. To make this view finder you take your index card and cut a 1 X 1 inch square out of the middle of the card. The purpose of the view finder is to crop out or get rid of unnecessary details. A viewfinder allows you to select a portion of what you wish to paint and create an entire different view of the object, scenery or picture. 

For this project I chose to draw a plant that I have had for many years. If I were to draw the entire plant it would look extremely overwhelming, but when using a view finder I could focus on one leaf and really analyze the detail that is present in that portion of  the plant. 

During this project I had a hard time working with the water colors. I used too much water and so the detail were not really present like I was hoping and trying to accomplish. Although it did not turn out the way that I wanted it to, I was still please with my artwork and I was still able to create beautiful colors and shading to help enhanced the piece of art. 

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